The 4th grade classes at Ellen Hopkins combined and presented a wonderful performance for Veteran's Day in November. In one of the songs they listed all of the presidents, including President Elect Obama. (Thus why the kids where following the elections so closely - they needed to know what name to sing!) Another one listed all the states, complete with 50 kids holding visual aids. And a wonderful song remiding us of our great country and all of the sacrifices that have been made along the way. Among the wonderful songs was a very impresive display of cooperation. The kids sitting on the floor all have different sized sound tubes. When the tubes are hit they make a certain note - Hanna was part of the low C group. The music teacher, Mr. Olson, used the large screen in the middle to direct the kids as to who needs to hit their tubes when. On top of that, the screen only held about 2 lines of music, so there had to be someone flipping the slides at the right time so there wouldn't be any pauses in the music. They all worked together beautifully and the song - and the performance - turned out great.
8 years ago