Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Closet Update...

Well, it's not done, but it is functional! We are down to one dresser and our bed (and some stuff that needs to find new homes) in our bedroom and all the rest of the clothes are hanging or folded on shelves in the new closet. WooHoo!!! There is still some finish work, but I'm happy to have a new closet. Thanks Judd!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Accomplishment of the Week!!!

It's almost been a year already? This is turning into one of those annual letters you get at Christmas. Well, I have an accomplishment that I just have to write about somewhere, and here seems as best a place as any...

I was motivated by Judd and his building of our walk in closet in our room. I cleaned out 2 clothes baskets worth of stuff - you know, the ones you quickly fill to clean up the house when company is coming over, then shove it into a corner of your bedroom, only to be forgotten. Yeah, 2 of them!! Add to that the top of the table in our room - another dumping site - and the corner next to the vanity in our room - something that hasn't seen the light of day for quite some time - AND part of the bottom of my existing closet! I threw away an entire garbage bag of stuff, have 3/4 of a clothes basket to donate, and another 3/4 of a clothes basket to mend.

How is the new closet coming? you may ask...well, I have a new stud wall with an outlet and a light switch, 2 new lights, and a partially installed heater. Once the heater is finished, then we can install the drywall. I already have the new color for the bedroom picked out, so I can't wait!!....but....I am a patient wife of a carpenter, so I will take project progress whenever it happens.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Still kicking...kind of...

Well, there goes another few months of the year! Long story short: Snow has melted! Spring is Here!!!

OK, now for a slightly longer version...

Snow melted this year and the floods came. Obviously we all survived, but there are some people in the region that didn't fare as well as we did.

Spring has come...finally...with grass, dandelions, tree seedlings, and flowers! I'm really glad it is here because that means I get to play in the dirt. I am putting in a few extra hours this year at the greenhouse (Levi Runion's in Sabin, MN) because of Judd's accident...

Judd's Accident: On April 30th he cut his leg with a circular saw. He managed to miss the major artery and only nicked his quad tendon. He had surgery to put it all back together and will start rehab on June 1st. We hope he can return to work full time in July. Right now he is the "leg" man, doing the running, walk throughs, errands....hmmmm....sounds funny since he can't really walk all that well, huh?

The kids are doing great. Hanna is almost done with her first year at the middle school and is finishing with flying colors. I was a bit concerned at the beginning of the year, but she has risen to the occasion and really excelled. Xander is completing 3rd grade in the Spanish immersion program and has enjoyed his year as well. Brigit has 4 days left of her 2nd year in Head Start. She is flying through everything she needs to know for Kindergarten and can't wait for next fall. She will go into the immersion program as well.

Well...that's it for now. If you want more details, you'll have to call us. We're in the book!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

We are here!!!

I have, to put it lightly, neglected our blog. So here is a long story short....

Judd: Still self employed framing houses, Ward Mission Leader, awesome Husband and Father!

Marie: Still at home with the kids, YW President, waiting for spring

Hanna: 6th Grade (middle school!), plays cello and frech horn, figure skating, tween...need I say more

Xander: 3rd Grade, basketball, TaeKwonDo, proud Nintendo DS owner...earned it himself

Brigit: 5 years old and registered for Kindergarten next year, dancing and singing and doing everything a 5 year old pink!

More details and pictures may still come. Call for detail before know the number. ;)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sad, sad, sad....

Well, you may have noticed (or not because you don't think I write on this blog anymore) that I finally changed the backgroud. We are going to fast forward from Halloween to Valentines Day!

We have had a busy fall/winter....

Canning & Gardens - DONE!!!!! Whoopeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

Halloween - A devil and an angel took a vampire, witch and a fairy out trick or treating. I'll let you figure out who was who?!?!?!

Thanksgiving - we ate and visited. Need I say more....

December - Xander was baptized. He is a great example for his sisters and friends. I hope he keeps it up! We were finally able to have a sledding party for his birthday this year, partly because his birthday was a Sunday and his baptism was the next Saturday, and we delayed the party until a week after his baptism. All the boys that came had a great time and no one was seriously injured. I think Hanna had the biggest run in with a tree...and the tree was a big one!

Christmas - we ate and visited some more. Travel wasn't that fun and plans were delayed, but we were able to see both sides again this year without having to rush. It's a neat treat when that happens over the holidays.

New Years - up late and playing games, is there any other way to do it? Thanks to everyone who came, we had a blast!

January - uneventful. (Whew!) Just a lot of snow....

February - more snow so far. Hanna had her Sleeping Beauty play last weekend and did a great job.

Well, that's us in a nutshell. I seriously hope to post on here more often, maybe even some pictures some time! (I did put quite a few on Facebook if you want to see 2009 in review.)


Monday, September 28, 2009

I lost count....

OK. So I've been a little busy canning and preparing for the fall/winter, but I haven't forgotten how to post on this little blog of ours.

I have accomplished 60 pints of beans, 28 quarts of spaghetti sauce, over 30 pints of chokecherry syrup & jelly, 15 quarts of corn, over 40 quarts of potatoes (still have 30 pounds to go...), and over 35 pints/quarts of pickles....whew!

The tomatoes are coming off the vines like there's no tomorrow. The beans just won't quit, so I've been giving them away (just can't get myself to pull them yet.) The beets are gigantic - the size of 2 of my fists and more. The carrots I haven't pulled yet, but if the beets are any sign, I'm going for size not quantity. I'm a little disappointed in the squash & pumpkins (not to mention the 4 foot corn, ugh!), but it was quite a cool summer and they didn't get much of a chance. The onions are done and they did much better than last year, but I'm still wanting them bigger. Gotta work on this one. At least my largest one was bigger than a golf ball this year.

Well, those tomatoes are calling me and I need to get them processed. Stay tuned.......

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pretty jars all in a row....

There is something satisfying in looking at completed canning jars. I love it when it's done!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

This is summer in reverse. You can look at the pictures and think backwards faster than I can rearrange them...

Hanna's Birthday party - she planned it mostly by herself. She chose a Jungle Game Night as her theme this year.

4th of July was spent at Tom & Carol's lake cabin with all of Judd's sisters and their families. Fireworks, Itasca State Park, logging camp, s'mores, and fun was had by all.

At the logging camp you say how many eggs you want and that's what you get, no ordering more. However, you can have as many pancakes and hashbrowns that you can eat.

We were lucky to have Kevin's blessing (Lisa & Luis' youngest) while everyone was up.

Brigit get a well deserved nap after getting her hand in the van door. Ouch!

The next ones are from Brigit getting a hold of the camera....

Judd was working out of town quite a bit in June and July, so the kids wanted to welcome him home...
We made a weekend out of biking through Itasca. 27 miles in 2 days. The kids did great!

This is what the kids have dubbed the "Silly Cycle"...

Last day of school...


Well, it's been a weird summer. Not too hot - ever. Quite a cool one actually, which leads me to dread the upcoming winter. I just hope it's not going to be too cold.

With what summer we've had we've managed to pack a lot in. Camping, parks, pool, lake, fishing, playing with friends - you know, the usual. The only major things that have happened is Hanna got stitches on the top of her right foot from the back gate (fixed that) and Brigit broke her right ring finger just off the knuckle. Hanna is healed and the scar is going to be minor. Brigt is still healing. They are letting her finger remodel and she is getting more of her mobility and strength back. Xander has had the usual bumps and bruises kids get from playing hard, nothing major to report. (I hope I didn't just curse myself!)

The only thing left of the summer (planned anyway) is Judd gets to bring the scouts to Boundary Waters and I don't get to go this time. Hopefully we'll get to go as a family next year. Of course we'll get more parks and pools in and probably some more playing with friends. Enjoy the rest of your summer!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Closet - DONE!!!!

This is a bit of a personal victory. We have this closet - you know, the one everyone has that seems to collect the "quick, pick it up" stuff. Well, you can now stand in it a use the filing cabinet like you are supposed to, get to the stuff on the shelves without causing a paper avalanche, and even open and close the door without threat of burial. I was about half way through the project and Judd said that he though he was going to have to put up a wall and just call the space lost! Yeah, it was getting pretty bad. Now, it is all filed, boxed, sorted, thrown, and put away.

Love it!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Quit!!

O.K. So this one is a bit of a rant and rave post, but I'll feel better when it is done.

I have scheduled my evening perfectly: 5:15 drop off Xander at Tae Kwon Do, go to bank 1, go to bank 2, drop off bouncy seat at Tom's, drive through BK for supper, pick up Xander by 6:15 and go to meeting starting shortly after 6:30. Cinch! Piece of Cake! No Brainer!


Everything goes well up until I pull forward from the speaker to the window at BK. Hmmm, my right front tire sounds funny. It's wet, rainy, maybe just water - keep going. Get the food start to pull away - nope, something is wrong. Drat!! Flat tire. (I have 7 minutes left until I need to pick up Xander at this point. It would have been perfect.)

So, I pull into the gas station next door to BK, which also happens to be a mechanic. I quick run in and talk to the counter person. This is how the conversation went:

"Are the mechanics still in?" I ask.

"Nope" says the ~19 year old at the counter.

"Crud! Do you know how to change a tire?" I do know how, I’m really just in a hurry and want some help to make it go faster, but why not play the 'I'm in a hurry and need to change a tire and I am a woman.' card?

"No, I don't know anything about automobiles."

I stare at him blankly thinking, "Seriously, my 10 year old knows how to change a tire! Are you Kidding Me!!!' "All right then," I say in disbelief. How can a male of obvious driving age not know how to change a tire!?!? I'm still baffled....

I proceed to go back to my van, two kids inside, and have them start on their supper - at least some of us will have a hot supper. I call the dojang and let them know I am running late and to please tell Xander I will be there as soon as possible. No problem there.

I get myself to a level spot, get the jack and tire out and start to change the tire (still in disbelief....). Did I mention it is raining - and not just a sprinkle??? I get the van jacked up on the right spot (there are directions on the jack, just in case one doesn't know how to change a tire), bring the spare over to the side, and start to take off the lug nuts. One doesn't move. No problem, I move to the next one, that doesn't move either. Next one... next one...Drat again!! Push! Pull! None of them are moving!

I am now getting quite wet and thinking fast, "Who can I call?" Judd is out of town - Mike!! I am meeting with his wife anyway, they live close by, quick call before she leaves. I get a hold of him, good, she hasn't left yet. He's on his way....I decided to sit and eat my still slightly warm supper while I wait. He comes over and he even has to step on the iron to get them to move. Now I don't feel so bad. Tire's changed, I'm soaked, off to get Xander.

Get Xander, he eats on the way to the next meeting. Oh, yeah, there is construction in front of the house I am meeting at...I now need to walk a half a block, with three kids, in the rain because you can't park in front of their house. What does it matter, I'm already soaked at this point, and the kids even stayed out of the mud puddles - hurray! I finished my meeting, and got the kids to bed, fairly painlessly.

Again I asked myself, "Why didn't he know how to change a tire?!?!?!?"

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fishing far...

Judd has had a few chances so far this year to go fishing. I think he has already fished more this year than last - yikes... Anyway, here are a few shots of the crappie and walleye that we have more than enjoyed eating!

Crappie - all of them 11 inches or more.

The fishermen and their catch.

"Marie, do you think it will fit??", asks Judd. (The tank is 30 inches and the fish is over 24 inches.)

"Go for it, Judd!" says Eric.

If you hold it away from you they look bigger!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Latest Events...

O.K. I didn't forget Hanna's Ice Show, my video didn't turn out and I'm waiting for a copy from another mom. Meanwhile, here are some clips from Xander's 1st Grade Program last Friday. (Please excuse the fuzzy wobblyness, I need a new camera.)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Yay!!! We're under 35 feet!!!

The Red River has dropped under 35 feet this morning. We're still not out of the woods yet, but it makes the next crest lower every time the river drops. They say we should crest a second time in late April. We can only hope for the next few weeks to be dry - no snow and no rain.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Let's make more snow angels....he he he...

I still can't figure out how to flip a your head to the left and enjoy this one...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

2009 Fargo/Moorhead Flood

This is an awesome video found on YouTube...

And a comment from someone on YouTube about our area that I think sums us up pretty good...

If the earth needs to be protected from approaching asteroids, these will be the people who will step up to build the shield to save the planet. Don't make them angry.

Quick breath...and hold...

Well, we're still here, we're still dry, we're still holding our breath. The neighbors are back, the river is dropping (for now), a couple of nights of straight rest (a little longer, but not much), and I think a little hint of order is well overdue. I'm still going to conserve on the water, but things just need to get done. I actually washed a load of dishes last night and everyone has had a bath/shower within the last 12 hours - long overdue. Laundry is next on the list. I'll have to do one load at a time, instead of my 4-5 in a day, and see how the drains handle it. I don't want to overload our system since the city's system is overwhelmed. It's kind of like eating after being sick. One little bite a time until it all seems to stay down, then a little more, then wait. Kind of a weird analogy, I know, but you get the picture.

Speaking of pictures, I have loaded a bunch onto my facebook page. It is easier to do the mass download there for now. Most of my comentary is on this blog, since it is easier to do that here.

There have been a few more breeches in the dikes on both the Moorhead and the Fargo sides of the river, but the contingency dikes put in place are still holding. It's sad to see the loss of one battle, but the war is not over. We are all staying to fight the Red until one of us wins - and may I dare say we're not going to budge.

Moorhead 2009 Flood Pics

Friday, March 27, 2009

"How high's the water mama?" It's 40.8 feet high and risin'...

Well, another day safe at home. The drains have quieted down. The kids are sleeping. The bags are ready just in case. And I'm exhausted, yet can't seem to settle my mind down enough to fall asleep. I did get a little rest in this afternoon - as Judd walked in the door.

One of our neighbors has gone with their daughter to Grand Forks for a week or so. They are older and he walks with a pretty good limp. We are watching their home as well and they are having more seepage than we are. I love my wet/dry shop vac!!! Makes this job easier and it's only two doors down if we need it.

Once again, the Risdal Family is safe and will keep you posted........zzzzzzz