O.K. So this one is a bit of a rant and rave post, but I'll feel better when it is done.
I have scheduled my evening perfectly: 5:15 drop off Xander at Tae Kwon Do, go to bank 1, go to bank 2, drop off bouncy seat at Tom's, drive through BK for supper, pick up Xander by 6:15 and go to meeting starting shortly after 6:30. Cinch! Piece of Cake! No Brainer!
Everything goes well up until I pull forward from the speaker to the window at BK. Hmmm, my right front tire sounds funny. It's wet, rainy, maybe just water - keep going. Get the food start to pull away - nope, something is wrong. Drat!! Flat tire. (I have 7 minutes left until I need to pick up Xander at this point. It would have been perfect.)
So, I pull into the gas station next door to BK, which also happens to be a mechanic. I quick run in and talk to the counter person. This is how the conversation went:
"Are the mechanics still in?" I ask.
"Nope" says the ~19 year old at the counter.
"Crud! Do you know how to change a tire?" I do know how, I’m really just in a hurry and want some help to make it go faster, but why not play the 'I'm in a hurry and need to change a tire and I am a woman.' card?
"No, I don't know anything about automobiles."
I stare at him blankly thinking, "Seriously, my 10 year old knows how to change a tire! Are you Kidding Me!!!' "All right then," I say in disbelief. How can a male of obvious driving age not know how to change a tire!?!? I'm still baffled....
I proceed to go back to my van, two kids inside, and have them start on their supper - at least some of us will have a hot supper. I call the dojang and let them know I am running late and to please tell Xander I will be there as soon as possible. No problem there.
I get myself to a level spot, get the jack and tire out and start to change the tire (still in disbelief....). Did I mention it is raining - and not just a sprinkle??? I get the van jacked up on the right spot (there are directions on the jack, just in case one doesn't know how to change a tire), bring the spare over to the side, and start to take off the lug nuts. One doesn't move. No problem, I move to the next one, that doesn't move either. Next one....next one... next one...Drat again!! Push! Pull! None of them are moving!
I am now getting quite wet and thinking fast, "Who can I call?" Judd is out of town - Mike!! I am meeting with his wife anyway, they live close by, quick call before she leaves. I get a hold of him, good, she hasn't left yet. He's on his way....I decided to sit and eat my still slightly warm supper while I wait. He comes over and he even has to step on the iron to get them to move. Now I don't feel so bad. Tire's changed, I'm soaked, off to get Xander.
Get Xander, he eats on the way to the next meeting. Oh, yeah, there is construction in front of the house I am meeting at...I now need to walk a half a block, with three kids, in the rain because you can't park in front of their house. What does it matter, I'm already soaked at this point, and the kids even stayed out of the mud puddles - hurray! I finished my meeting, and got the kids to bed, fairly painlessly.
Again I asked myself, "Why didn't he know how to change a tire?!?!?!?"
8 years ago