OK. So I've been a little busy canning and preparing for the fall/winter, but I haven't forgotten how to post on this little blog of ours.
I have accomplished 60 pints of beans, 28 quarts of spaghetti sauce, over 30 pints of chokecherry syrup & jelly, 15 quarts of corn, over 40 quarts of potatoes (still have 30 pounds to go...), and over 35 pints/quarts of pickles....whew!
The tomatoes are coming off the vines like there's no tomorrow. The beans just won't quit, so I've been giving them away (just can't get myself to pull them yet.) The beets are gigantic - the size of 2 of my fists and more. The carrots I haven't pulled yet, but if the beets are any sign, I'm going for size not quantity. I'm a little disappointed in the squash & pumpkins (not to mention the 4 foot corn, ugh!), but it was quite a cool summer and they didn't get much of a chance. The onions are done and they did much better than last year, but I'm still wanting them bigger. Gotta work on this one. At least my largest one was bigger than a golf ball this year.
Well, those tomatoes are calling me and I need to get them processed. Stay tuned.......
9 years ago