Monday, February 4, 2008

Just one more...

I want to thank Patti for inspiring me to blog - a.k.a. ramble, encourage, vent, babble, share, inspire, brag, whine, chat, complain, motivate, wander, jabber, etc. Hopefully this will help cure (or at least subside) the cabin fever!!

1 comment:

Patti Smith said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. I do find that putting my thoughts down in writing, helps me think there is someone to talk to. I don't care if nobody looks at it, I got it out of my head, and that usually helps me to not go crazy! I love staying home with my kids, and this is one thing that keeps me connected to the outside world. Another thing I love, is that is like a journal. I can go back and see that I actually do do things with my kids, it's not all about poop and snot. Welcome to this fun world.