Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"How high's the water mama?" It's 34.89 feet and rising...

With the river levels rising, and our area on the national news, I thought I would put a word out to our family and friends letting you know that we are OK. Our house is actually out of the 500 year flood plain and good until 42.5 - 43 feet. The 6-8 inches of snow we are getting today is not going to help the end result, but the colder temperatures are going to slow the melt. The area is continuing to sandbag and build dikes. The response of volunteers is amazing. There are bus loads of people coming in from miles away to help. For example, yesterday there were 4-5 busloads of high school kids that came in from Fergus Falls, MN - 55 miles away! It just goes to show how people pull together in a crisis situation.

By the way, I told the kids if the river gets to 44 feet.....we're moving. (and so are a lot of people in the FM area!!)


Lori said...

can you get some pics on your blog of the river?

Risdal5 said...

I'll see what I can do...I usually don't even bring the phone to the sandbag sites.